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« Analysis and Description of Timbre » fr gb

International Conference organized by ECLLA laboratory (Études du Contemporain en Littératures, Langues et Arts) (EA 3068)
Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th of February 2021(visioconference only)

Link to the conference: https://ujmstetienne.webex.com/meet/ConferenceTimbre

Link to the concert: https://youtu.be/6JhwQoqAwJw

Conference program

Detailed conference program

Concert program

The ECLLA laboratory organizes an international symposium on the "Analysis and Description of Timbre in Fixed Music", at the Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th of February 2021. This conference is organized jointly with the research group on "Analysis of Electroacoustic Music", supported by the French Society of Musical Analysis (SFAM). This event is also involved in a ECLLA research project on "Sound Signature of Music", with the contribution of researchers from the Hubert Curien laboratory (UMR 5516).

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together researchers working in different disciplines to exchange and present recent works to better understand, describe and analyze the characteristics of timbre, in relation to the perception that can have a listener.

The question of timbre and its description is fundamental in music and therefore directly concerns teachers and researchers in musicology. It is also at the center of the interrogations of researchers from other disciplines, particularly in the fields of acoustics, psychoacoustics, music psychology, signal processing or applied computing.

The music can no longer be described and analyzed only according to a score. The sound has gained considerable autonomy during the twentieth century. Moreover, since the birth of electroacoustic music, it has become necessary to find new ways to describe sounds. The introduction of new sounds into 20th century music, whether recorded sounds or electronic sounds, has rendered obsolete the traditional definition of timbre as a specific sound quality of a given musical instrument.

Digital tools for Sound Analysis and Sound Processing as well as those of Artificial Intelligence allow unprecedented advances in the field of recognition and identification of sounds. However most of the conferences organized in recent years concerning the timbre have mainly been concerned in instrumental music and the identification of instruments and styles. We are interested here in the music using electronic and digital technologies during their realization on which little work has yet allowed to describe the timbre in a deep way in connection with the perception.

Several international experts from different fields will be invited for this conference.

A specific session of the conference will be dedicated to works presented by young researchers.

Scientific Committee

•     Alain Bonardi – CICM Musidanse – Paris VIII University
•     Bruno Bossis – laboratory Musique, équipe Arts : pratiques et poétiques - Rennes 2 University
•     Pierre Couprie – CHCSC -  Université Paris-Saclay
•     Philippe Depalle – Sound Processing & Control Laboratory (SPCL) – McGill University  (Canada)
•     Frédéric Dufeu – CeReNeM, Huddersfield University (GB)
•     Hugues Genevois – LAM - Institut d'Alembert – UPMC – Paris
•     Mikhail Malt – IRCAM – Paris
•     Yann Orlarey – GRAME – Lyon
•     Etienne Parizet – Laboratoire Vibrations Acoustique – INSA – Lyon
•     Laurent Pottier – ECLLA –  Jean Monnet University – Lyon/Saint-Etienne


•   Call for papers: May 15, 2019
•   Submission of proposals: before July 15, 2020
•   Return of the examiners: September 15, 2020
•   Conference Program: October 30, 2020
•   Conference dates: Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th of February 2021 (visioconference)