- Archiving issue: the work of many pioneers in the field requires long-term archiving in their original form (see for example the case of the Jean-Claude Risset archives, CIRM archives…)
- Historico-cultural issue: the repertoire using these technologies is representative of an era and includes masterpieces that must be preserved for generations to come.
- Dissemination issue: the works, software and devices used could benefit the community of musicology researchers as well as electronic music enthusiasts. It emerges from our preliminary investigations that these works, mostly confined to the framework of the National Musical Creation Centers in France, would benefit from being made accessible to a wider public.
- Creation issue: by facilitating access to resourcesconstituting digital works (samples, software libraries, sequences, effects, etc.), composers will have the capacity, when licenses allow it, to access reusable creative bricks .
- Educational issue: increasing the documentation of works promotes the transmission of knowledge related to modes of play, the use of technologies and composition processes.